The company showed the design of which she will be his new one soothes in Cupertino (the USA). " It is as if a spaceship finished of aterrizar" , the executive of Apple said. City council of Cupertino will decide if project approves in autumn of 2012 company technological Apple showed this week the design of which will be its new one soothes in Cupertino (the USA), that could be operative in 2015 and will be completely to circulate emulating to a ufo, informed the newspaper Los Angeles Times. The cofounder and delegated advisor of the company, Steve Jobs, were the one in charge to present/display the design of the project to the authorities of the city of Cupertino, where at the moment the company is located, that were excited with the idea. " When Apple gives its plans of c onstruccin at the end of this year we will know that we will be in front of forward installations with all the opportunities and challenges that supone" , mayor, Gilbert Wong said. Jobs explained that the new building will have four heights and an underground parking of four floors and it will be perfectly to circulate although it will have a central area of relaxation, reason why it will seem a wheel or a flying subject of gossip. " It is as if a spaceship finished of aterrizar" , the executive of Apple said.
Respectful with the environment the new building will have a capacity for 1 2,000 employees, which will allow the technological company to group in a single zone its workers who now are scattered in different buildings from rent because their present facilities only can shelter 2,800 people. " It is evident that we needed a new campus " , it affirmed Jobs that wants that the building is respectful with the environment and confirmed that it will have an own plant of production energetics that hopes that he is " the main power plant of instalaciones". The new one soothes of Apple will have like location an area of 600,000 meters square that to a large extent the company bought to Hewlett-Packard in 2010. Source of the news: Apple glides to construct its new one soothes with the ufo form