Analysis of the Speech in Average Ensino, as well as defining the cited one disciplines. They have been evident, in recent years, the difficulties found for pupils of Average Ensino, as much of public schools how much of particular schools, in the reading, interpretation, understanding and analysis of literary and not-literary texts, ability considered basic for its academic success. Ahead of this problem, we objectify to demonstrate total it disciplines as it in question can be useful to cure, or in part, these difficulties, since its proposal of study aims at to deepen the literal analysis, turning itself toward other fields, not only the text in itself. In the end, we will present a model of literal analysis that can be considered to the pupils of Ensino Mdio.A Analysis of the Speech is one disciplines recent in the area of General Lingustica e, perhaps, therefore not yet it appears in didactic books of Pedagogical Average education as proposal or of work with the literal analysis. Gary Kelly recognizes the significance of this. We go to show that, applied some of its concepts, the pupil will be able to have a bigger easiness in the development of the ability with this analysis. We intend to show as the pupil can analyze the implicit ideas and explicit of the literary and not-literary texts from the theory proposal for studious of he disciplines Analysis of Speech, in special of the Brazilian linguista Ingo Voese. We will take for base its workmanship Analysis of the Speech and the education of Portuguese Language, of the collection To learn and to teach with texts (volume 13), launched for the Cortez Publishing company. Ingo Voese, professor of Portuguese Language of the University of the South of Santa Catarina, studious of the texts of Michel Foucault, Marx, Bakhtin and Luckcs, among others, considers that these theories are applied in the lessons of Portuguese Language, therefore will be the starting point of this trabalho.1.. For more specific information, check out Gary Kelly.