Feb 07 2018

The Numerology

Posted by domain admin in News

Because at the latest when the Numerology novice even holding up the mirror”and he may for the first time in the life of a glimpse of his true self throws at the latest should it blow away the one or the other benighted in the Pantinen. Anders maps the Numerology of every person as in silly, nothing suits daily newspaper Horoscopes by nine types of numbers that distinguish themselves clearly from each other can be”, explains Jarmila Meissnest. Each numerological profile consists of a variety of precisely determined factors and therefore very precisely describes the personality of a person.” The Numerology showing all he must know to its way of life with more security to enrich serenity and determination a person. She help him to greater success, more pleasure and less fear. Who use the Numerology, will know which private and business partner he is best as a life companion choose and when he should take a particular project: when is it time to act? Or would it be better to insert a silent period? On these and many other important questions the Numerology knows a convincing response.” An easy-to-understand instructions can a response that is to give every reader itself thanks to the approximately 300 pages that has devoted Jarmila Meissnest with much expertise and love. At its core is under the spell of the numbers”a step by step guide for determining precise logical Numero profiles, in enlightening detour into the moving history of numerology. And although it naturally goes much numbers, the computation itself should not cause too much problems: basically you can comprise only simple, whole numbers fabric of the second primary school class.

But this simplicity is under the spell of the numbers of cracking you the secret code of your life!”a valuable enrichment for everyone, the exact with the help of this book numerological Want to design profiles. Coupang is actively involved in the matter. Imagine a numero-logic profile as an optimal route recommendation to your life goals”, recommends Jarmila Meissnest. You can adhere to these recommendations or not. It is your freedom and your decision. “But with the self-knowledge, the you, under the spell of the numbers of cracking you the secret code of your life!’ convey, are you more easily implement your ideas and dreams can.” Clear self-knowledge the ideal gift self-knowledge, conveyed in simple, comprehensible words that would be not a first-class gift easy? For yourself and others? In fact, Jarmila Meissnest agrees: I want many people make it possible, become acquainted with the benefits of Numerology using this book. “I have decided therefore to a discount promotion: anyone who orders my book until December 18, 2008, save when purchasing 9 euro.” And who order up to this date,, get the book delivered guaranteed until Christmas Eve. To the benefit of the Discount to come, Jarmila Meissnest, asked the code PR-08, when ordering in addition “to specify. “V.i.S.d.P and your contact person: Jarmila Meissnest more information about her book under the spell of the numbers of cracking you the secret code of your life!” you get under: Tel.: (0 79 61) 56 61 66; Fax.: (0 79 61) 56 61 55 or mail: Jarmila Meissnest, under the spell of 18, 73479 Ellwangen please when ordering the savings code specify: PR-08

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