Everything to exclude what we know, that own knowledge such as the foreign, natural knowledge as scientific. Absolutely everything: who learned what so far has referred to as philosophy, the least of which is the most suitable to learn the true philosophy. So, with the plan of a universal methodical doubt Descartes enters his Meditationes. The word is meditationes terminology to read. Not the reflection of a free-floating self-admiration is meant but the methodical reflection of the thinking self on his own is meant, the methodically guided uncovering of that which, by it ponders its full thinking, finds the thinking ego itself is meant.
What in it if it doubt everything that presents it, that is: their own imagining. Own imagining is not covered by the methodical doubt. I can imagine everything, but my own thought remains. Here is the Foundation of all knowledge: my own, thinking self; I can no longer doubt of my own imagining, because the doubts would be the doubting a presentation, a presentation by me, Yes again, so here I come across a solid, no longer hintergehbares: I as a representative, as doubtful, as a thinking being: ego cogito, ergo sum. But what is this one I, this ego cogito? It is initially the first person singular, it is that each mine, thinking ICH. This ICH differs radically from the ego of the middle ages, which was on the one hand involved in stable traditions and was also always considered game ball of natural needs and passions. The ego of the ego cogito is also and in particular no mere weltloser point, but there is one essential issue before, thinking I, a self that has always something to the opposite, a self that is sourced, always and everywhere on interesting, one I the world is the one welthaftes I; It is an ego cogito cogitatum, in the language of the Meditationes.