The use of bags or tool belts is recommended when transporting tool. The items should less than 10 kg weigh, to the stability not to interfere. Because the climbing of ladders and kicks is usually already more dangerous than dealing with other work equipment, by the carriage of dangerous substances and devices, such as hot or corrosive liquids, is strongly discouraged. Furthermore applies a general weight limit of 150 kg, which may be burdened with ladders and kicks. The instruction manual with many pictograms, which is attached to the head contains all rules of conduct for the use of ladders and kicks. A user information instructions and pictograms of the accessories of each ladder.
The manufacturers and also the distributors of the product are responsible for providing. The instructions must be drafted in the language of the country of sale. The instructions should be in addition to the important Pictograms contain following information: name and address of the manufacturer or distributor head type (type, number and length of the components, maximum length of the conductors using) (month and year of manufacturing and/or serial number indicating the tendency of conductors, where this is not obvious because of their construction or design maximum payload maximum number of users allowed on the head the head after making weight isolation, if applicable, the marking must for anyone visible, be clearly and permanently on the ladder or step. The contained icons must have a size of at least 15 x 15 mm and color of their underground lift. What pictogram on a ladder are attached, determines the manufacturer.
According to DIN EN 131-2 must survive the labelling specific durability tests without damage. The inspection plate or the icon must be rubbed each 15 seconds with a cloth soaked in water and one in gasoline. No corners may dissolve this it or the print fade. Ladders should be provided with the following pictograms for safe use: maximum read instructions load set up proper angle on a flat surface sideways leaning, avoid contamination on the ground exclude on a solid surface set up side way climbing the ladder the supernatant above the landing of the head conductor in correct direction of on site is not allowed to use stepladders should be provided with the following pictograms for safe use: Maximum read instructions impose load on a flat surface opening completely before use avoid side backs out on solid ground set up side road climbing of the ladder is not permitted on snapping the expansion fuses/locking devices eighth sprouts and performances should not be entered, must be provided with the appropriate markings on the head upright or the rung,.