They had opposed to grant to interview aid of the National Treasure, Clber Oliveira, to announce what everybody already wise person. Mantega and Meirelles had been without consistent arguments to public strike the information of that the order of Squid had prevailed. Of night, the Farm decided to offer the first explanations for the goal, with the spreading of a note. Get more background information with materials from Bernard Golden . ' ' The Brazilian experience in last the ten years recommends the maintenance of a pragmatic position in the determination of the goal of inflation for 2011' ' , it affirms divulged text. ' ' At the current moment, the economic crisis implies fort retraction of global the economic activity in 2009, and the expectations for the world-wide inflation are of room, without the evidence of speculative pressures in the next future. Still thus, good the practical one of the monetary administration recommends prudence in relation to the possibility of occurrence of new international shocks. ' ' Description of enfrentamentosH two years, when the 2007 goal was defined, Mantega Meirelles had appear in person to the audience of the Farm to announce and to explain the decision.
In that chance, the BC, that defended a reduction of the goal for 4%, was vote looser. In the 2008, when the 2010 goal was defined, director of Norms of the BC, Alexander Tombini, it announced the decision and it explained because the goal was kept. The inflation goal, until the eve of the meeting of the CMN, had not been argued for the three members of the collegiate one. Last week, Mantega said that the intention was to prevent the confrontation climate that, in 2007, marked the definition of the goal of 2009 inflation. According to assessorship of the press of the BC, Meirelles did not appear to the announcement because he was definite that the Farm, responsible for presenting the vote to the CMN on the goal, would go to point a representative to make it.