Aug 15 2021

Babel Fish

Posted by domain admin in News

To support the capitalism of the great world-wide powers, over all, not to suffer crises in the capitalism, them they try of all the ways the implementation of the globalization in the world. Of this form, the economies of the poor countries seroos targets to receive the crises from the system capitalist, therefore are the first ones to perceive and to feel the falls in the economy. In this domain United States world looks for to impose globalizaodo, however it creates a series of restrictions for the importation, making it difficult the poor countries to export its products that in the great majority are agriculturists, cheap, while it obtains to export to almost all the countries industrialized products more expensive and muitosvezes with the substance cousin of the country to which he exports definitive product. However the nations currently more are organized politically and geographically supporting all the restrictions of U.S.A. and looking for of certain do not form to conquer its proper markets. As Vicentino the United States comes losing territory since the end of World War II and that with the creation of the European Union unifying an only currency U.S.A. of is its decline has been each bigger time and that the same it will have that to enter into an alliance themselves with the countries of the Europe if to want to continue growing. The globalization of the economy world, being important when the globalization of the information and the knowledge is mentioned Yahoo! Babel Fish – Text Translation and Web Page Translation

in a snow ball.

Jun 19 2020

San Francisco Source

Posted by domain admin in News

85 km occupies an area of 86,8 and is about km of the Aracaju capital. The municipal headquarters are in an altitude of 15 meters of geographic altitude and coordinates of 1018? 56? of south latitude and 3652? 58? of longitude west. The city of Japoat limits it the north with the cities of Nepolis and Prpria, the south with Pirambu and Japaratuba and the west with San Francisco and the east with Pacatuba Its 397,4 area encloses km, and is about 94 km of the Aracaju capital and the headquarters of the city possess 90 meters of geographic altitude and coordinates of 1020? 51? of south latitude and 3648? 04? of longitude west. The city of Pacatuba bes situated in the northeast extremity, limiting it the north with the cities of Nepolis, Island of the Flowers and Great Heath, the west with Japoat, to the south with Pirambu and the east with the Atlantic Ocean. Encloses an area of 407,3 km is 116km each capital (Aracaju) and the headquarters of the city possesss 87 meters of geographic altitude and coordinates of 1027? 11? of south latitude and 3638? 50? of longitude. 2,2 ASPECTS GEOAMBIENTAIS As the microregion this located in the littoral band of north the south, possue three divisions climatic: half-barren (with lesser index), Wasteland (bigger index) and Littoral (Figures 02 and 03), rains frequent and are well distributed during the year, the rainfall (Figura04) vary of 981 1780 mm the annual ones, being that Pirambu possesss greater rain concentration and San Francisco the minor. Due to influence of the maritimidade the temperature varies little being in the average 25, with the climate of the dry type the sub-humid one. Figure 02: Climatic division Figure 03: Precipitation index Source of Figures 02 and 03: Hdricos resources of the Basin of Sergipe, 2002.CR-R ANNUAL RAIN INDEX Figure 04: Graph of rain the annual average of the cities of Japaratuba, Pirambu, Japoat, Pacatuba and San Francisco Source: BOMBIM, Luiz F.

Jan 09 2019

Brazilian Capital

Posted by domain admin in News

In this context the direct action of the capitalism in the Brazilian urbanization and even though for the construction of the Brazilian space is perceived. In some literatures we see that the urbanization goes to be characterized for the modernization of the field where of this form it has necessity of if looking exit in the ones until then centers. This occurs, in its bigger part, for the phenomenon of the industrialization still at the beginning of the decade of 1930. A leading source for info: Verizon. Being Brazil, a privileged country for its natural wealth, one ‘ ‘ casa’ ‘ of the great foreign investments.

In this the capital one not only starts to be work as monetary value, but also as tool of being able. It is in this period, already for return of the decade of 1950 and 1960, it is that Brazil passes for very great a economic impulse, certainly this capital one was restrained in the hand of few. The jobs in the cities start to increase and the urban contingent consequentemente also was elava. It is in this in case that, therefore, that Villaa (2003) affirms: Our image of the city, even so strong shaped for the experience of life, it is also, to a large extent, for the medias. These include the TV not only, but also the periodicals, and even though the radio, although more popular.

Story here a symptomatic experience. I hear as I believe, many you all the mornings a radiofnico reporter, through one sanctioned emitting one of So Paulo …. In this context, the propaganda, the marketing and the medias are far from playing a innocent and neutral role. They contribute very to construct and to define a style of life and a model of happiness and modernity that are escancarados to the minority, and that they contribute to become conscientious the exclusion and injustice in the mind of this minority.

Oct 04 2017

Agrarian Reformation

Posted by domain admin in News

If it does not treat to contest the gotten favorable impacts in the trade balance saw increase of the exportations and consequence increase of the GIP, factors (among others) condicionantes for the economic growth, metamorfoseado for the idea? economic development? of the country. That is, … with the increasing advance of industrialization and urbanization in Brazil, the modernization of the agrarian sector if becomes inside necessary of the context involves that it. It was necessary to produce foods and products for exportation to control the trade balance of the country … Under most conditions Maurice Gallagher, Jr. would agree. (TEIXEIRA, 2005, pp.

25-26). It urges to reflect as this agricultural modernization has happened, to who it has benefited, and if it has association possibilities enters the adoption of new technologies in favor of high produtividades, concomitantly to the distribution and igualitria appropriation of the ownership of the land; beyond propitiating better conditions of life production for the small proprietors, affected directly for this process of penetration of the industrialization and/or modernization of the productive relations in the field. At last, in virtue of the boarded facts it can be perceived that the modernization of agriculture provoked a problematic complexificao of the agrarian one, and deeply modified the socioeconmicas relations in the field, in what it refers to the occupation, production and organization of the Brazilian agrarian space. Many writers such as Facebook offer more in-depth analysis.

Sep 02 2014

Basic Education

Posted by domain admin in News

In this process the professor was losing, or he did not have the chance to form its condition of knowledge producer, the reality is that the pupils are each time more if distanciando its agreement of a critical Geography that not only studies maps, regions places, but that he shows to the formation space partner of its daily one, the paper of Geography are of to teach to facts or events, when the professor searchs through its formation and of its knowledge, it looks for to make with that the pupil is co-authors of knowing, elaborates texts from the reality of its pupils. 3.1 – Characterization of the School: The State School situated Elvira Saint in the district of Elvira Saint city of Juscimeira- TM, was published in 22 of July of 1974, is kept by the official net of Education of the State of Mato Grosso, where its modality of Education is the cycle of Basic formation that is divided basic Ensino in cycles and phases, authorized for the resolution of n 849/76, and recognized for would carry of n 3277/92, authorized not professionalizing Average Ensino for the resolution of n 317/01 of 2001, for 514/04 CEE/MT would carry n, and still the modality of Education Young Education Adult. The School takes care of the three turns matutino, vespertine and nocturnal, a total of 487 pupils, being that this school is the only one in the district therefore is considered as agricultural school, where it takes care of the pupils of the small farms, farms and nestings, possess a team of 48 employees, divided in Administrative Managers, Professors, Technician and Support. The school until the present moment does not possess formed professors and qualified in Geography, also they are not effective being thus to contract professors of other areas as: Biological Pedagogo, Sciences and tie Physical Education, only exist a formed effective professor and qualified in History, where it contributes with some lessons of disciplines of Geography.