It is not always such vzaimorasschety equally beneficial to both sides and for the bank, but, nevertheless, significantly help to solve the problem. Everything is done very simply, one person repays the debt of the borrower and the bank issued apartment that opened a deposit in a bank. Many savings accounts have been frozen. Money returned slowly, and sometimes do not return. Worst of all those who managed to take the credit, and then lost his job, or for some other reason is unable to pay. And banks, meanwhile, did not know what to do with the property that they withdraw from defaulters of loans. But the version of exchange is only possible if the apartment belongs to the bank.
Otherwise, you may have many legal problems in the design documents. Now to barter transactions through internet is very convenient. There you can find the necessary free offer, advertise yourself. Various media are introduced to rubrics ad exchange. The popularity of barter evidenced by many factors. For example, the site only the first day came more than 1000 ads.
However, some experts fear that the total transition to barter can adversely affect the economy. Indeed, by barter is not possible to pay taxes, wages of hired workers. True, most are inclined to believe that the situation 90 years. When even the salaries were given Barter does not happen again. Every day, barter is becoming increasingly popular among individuals and among entrepreneurs. Exchange of goods and services to some extent displaces the process of sale. Now carry out barter transactions is very convenient, and new online projects where you can find the necessary proposal for free or advertise himself. Newspaper ads enter headings for the exchange, there new Internet-based projects. For example, the site only the first day came more than 1000 ads. The popularity of buy and barter exchanges. But in this case willing to bargain face mediation, because on the exchanges of exchange occurs with the help of brokers. It's not very profitable – brokers charge a fee for their services. Some experts worry that switching to barter can negatively affect the economy. Indeed, by barter is not possible to pay taxes, wages of hired workers. However, most believe that the situation 90 years. Where even salaries issued by barter, to be repeated. In today's economic Crisis popular solution is the exchange between the depositors of banks and borrowers of loans. Many savings accounts are now frozen. Cash back is difficult. Do not envy those who had to take the credit, as return it with each passing day it becomes more difficult. And banks, meanwhile, did not know what to do with the property that they withdraw from defaulters of loans. But the output is always, and in this situation he is in a mutually beneficial exchange. Contributor to repay the debt of the borrower and the bank, in turn, provides a flat, which raised money and people, to open a deposit. But the version of this exchange is only possible if the apartment belongs to the bank. Sometimes, several contributors agree, and change their contributions to one apartment. Such decisions must resort, as the deposit amount must be equal or exceed the value of the apartment. Here barter plays a greater role. It is not always such vzaimorasschety equally beneficial to both parties and for the bank, but, nevertheless, significantly help to solve the problem. All about Bank of Kazan. Banking portal of Tatarstan.