Professional translations at affordable prices? The scientific community agrees, yet no computer can produce professional translations. The comparison you can save yourself computer versus translator. Because the human translation is the machine still to lengths ahead. How can be saved but at professional language translations yet? The solution is called transXpro. The online translation agency from Lucerne offers cheap translations by professional native speakers.
The order processing is automated with transXpro, not the translation, i.e. total administrative expenses expires automatically. A quotation can be queried automatically within a few seconds. Invoice, confirmation, even the alerts run automatically. transXpro has a pool of more than 600 certified translators and translators, which worldwide, 24 hours a day are available. Thanks to the automatic processing an order overnight can be granted and the next morning the translation be obtained.
The idea: the own translator is always all over the world. Smaller texts can be translated within a few hours. The quotation system automatically calculates the shortest duration of translation. The man ranks with the translation work, however the administrative activities of the computer is winning on front. With transXpro via the Internet platform results for each partner a win-win situation. What would you more? Alex Kohler, 03.02.2011