The scenes that I saw and heard are of extreme badness and can say yes, that the world lies in the malignant one. At this moment many people were praying for me and this foiessencial to materialize the work, therefore I thought many times to emdesistir and even though I had that to stop the research process einvestigao of the book, therefore he was tired, having crises of I cry and noconseguia to sleep at night, therefore when closing the eyes were them there cenasem my mind. My wife was a true woman of God and part importantepara the concretion of the work, therefore she had moments perhaps that I tinhaforas nor not to pray, many people can see this as umafraqueza, but really everything this was a great fight spiritual and comminhas proper forces I would not have fond of the end. Then I know that foiDeus it enabled that me. I not> What it after changed in its life the work of inquiry and publication of the book Satanic Crimes? Until the book to be published was great lutacomo already spoke, however later with the support of the Nas publishing company and muitagente that he has supported the work I felt more to me safe, therefore vi querealmente I was not alone in everything this, could see that muitaspessoas is if mobilizing and if asking: What he is happening? Why as many children add in the country? What I can make to help the cause of the missing people? Many people say that I am courageous in making this, but verdade that Leo Montenegro is a solitary voice in multitude and only one jovemacreditando in what says 1 Christian Joo 2-14.Como I believe that we have that to take care of to the call of Deuspara our lives, and Here it is me and with this we can yes save lives and evitarque other children are abducted.5 As you see the news propagated recently in the media involving children in rituals with needles? This in case that it were an exception, therefore the national media finished divulging the case with all the attention. .