It will have that spoon and to eat its fruits. Which fruits? The corruption. what it is to corrupt itself? It is to apodrecer, it is if to decompose, it is to die, perhaps perpetual. In a generalized manner the badnesses result of the abuse of the good. The Church teaches in them that God is love, is favour, is mercy, however the mercy, the favour, and the love does not constitute irresponsibility. The Saint Blessed Padre XVI in the letter encyclical letter from the pope Spe Salvi in supplies the following instruction to them: ‘ ‘ God is justice and creates justice. Such is our consolao and our hope. But, in its justice, it is jointly also favour.
This we can know fixing it the look in crucificado Christ and revived. Both? justice and favour? they must be seen in its joust interior linking. The favour does not exclude justice. Not dumb justice in right. It is not a sponge that erases everything, in way that everything how much it became in the land finishes for having valor’ the same; ‘ (SS, 44). He is not correct to think that the mercy is contrary justice. To think thus is to identify the mercy with the irresponsibility. The Justice of God is merciful, as much how much the mercy of God is joust.
Then, all that one that it deliberately chooses for the sin trusting a distorted conception of mercy, is placing at risk its salvation. Let us notice that the Pope speaks that he has an essential linking between favour and justice. cannot be different since both sprout of the Heart of God. The Sacred Heart source of mercy and favour is the same Heart that makes to sprout justice. God loves to each one of us, pecadores, but reject the sin.