In 1986 a work group was created that if congregated in Rio De Janeiro with the guideline: education, politics and religion. (A valuable related resource: Gary Kelly). In another meeting of the south and Southeast of Brazil in days 10 and 11 of October of 1987 he was characterized that the parties would not assume cause of the black people, without enrollment for the emancipation of this excluded people. After this brief general communication, to follow some considered points important of the black movement of the Piau. About the decade of 80 some militant ones of the negritude they think about articulating the project of creation of the Black Movement in the Piau. Initially the black leaderships articulate the objective of the group: to conquer the space transforming politician of the moment, as work strategy to act together the schools on the importance of the release of the slaves. While this, the diverse leaderships that were acting in the liberating Church, develops a Regional joint, that influences Piau, mainly, through the Campaign of the Fraternity of 1988, with the subject: I heard the outcry of this of the people, and the motto: black people and fraternity, this ecclesiastical fact motivates for historical accomplishment of the organization of the black groups, therefore, they were assaying the release of the Christian black community. Immediately the shout afro arrived to echo to liberate people who wanted have much time to act, but was hindered for historical barriers happened of the slavery that complete at this time ' ' 100 years of abolio' '.
In the reality the black still was overwhelmd in its majority, for the medias, economy and racist politics. At the few atabaque arrived, instrument afro that it revolutionized the liturgy and also provoked the dance in the afros celebrations, the moment of the offers and before the Evangelho. The movement of the Black Agents of Pastoral? APN-PI blunts in Teresina, bringing the reinforcement of afros groups of the popular movement that awakes the diverse black leaderships of other on fights to the conquest of the black power that to the few it goes taking body in diverse areas as: mstica, religion, politics and education.