' ' Although let us notice a bigger demand for services of risk evaluation, not yet we feel necessity to extend our contracts with auditorias' ' , it affirms Castilho. But it can be that let us have that to make this soon ' '. Although the Cesp Foundation still to concentrate its investments in fixed income, of the wallet in December of 2004 2005 April and, the pictures December of this year already shows some alterations in the composition: in this period, the participation of the fixed income fell of 78,6% for 74% and 72%, respectively, while of the changeable income it grew of 17,2% for 21,3% and 23,4% in the same dates. The Foundation already studies investments in asset as the CRIs and the FIDCs, that considers interesting, even so in still discrete way. The president of the Austin Rating, Erivelto Rodrigues, count that since November of the last year it has noticed bigger demand of the pension funds in relation to the analysis of ratings.
' ' The investors have not only looked more information on the operations as a bigger number of senders has contracted the services of rating to get notes for its colocaes' ' , Rodrigues says. ' ' He has cases, also, of senders who contract the analysis of rating e, when they do not receive a note good, they reorganize the operation to get a classification better e, with this, to attract more investidores' ' , he explains the president of a Austin Rating.Entretanto, according to Rodrigues, nor always they obtain to carry through substantive changes in the operation to reach a bigger note. In accordance with it, even so exists many requirements to get a good classification of risk, the more selective institucional investors does not have great difficulty in finding good chances in the market. for top in the Brasil’ ‘ , Rodrigues.Para comments the director-executive of the Fitch Ratings, Rafael Guedes, the fall of the investments in public headings and the biggest search for asset of bigger risk must in the future also bring for Brazil something that already is reality in other countries: the multiplicity of ratings.