Authors: Lino Garzn Sandoval,, @linogs Maria of Los Angeles Lpez Rivas, @maria_angeles11 You do not know this type of professional? He is the first time that he hears to speak on this subject? He knows that unhappyly he is looked for in the market today. When we speak of market, generally comes the head an unreal world, of steel and crystal, of necktie, high jump and lunches in environments ' ' clean' ' , of people worried about cars, happy academy and, hour clinic aesthetic, as well as modalities of differentiated sports and hobbies, but the market, the world and the life are much more of what this, is good that is well clearly. The lack of the good professional reaches this search, in its vaster extension. It is so difficult to find an excellent mason, how much to estelar workmanship master, in such a way plus an extremely competent architect. If you have read about Oracle already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Question: Which the professional type postal card? Reply: That one that is generated and created in the main ones and until secondary facultieses of administration and in other courses of superior level and after-graduations, clamando of its formandos, for a well impactante presence, that nor a photo ' ' retouchada' ' on tourist landscapes, with a registration in refined English. That is, translating into the world human being-animal, she is the person above of any indication that becomes it target of preconceptions and that, over all, says to an English fluente well. The specimen can not know nothing you are welcome, but good appearance and advanced knowledge of the English language, already they guarantee a prominence place to it, a managemental position or in the rest of the staircase to reach superior steps, it only needs to be decorated with some techniques of positioning and extreme frivolidade, to face with sharpened cynicism and without the ethical minor, to whom unquestionably they have the ability and the values of which it lacks, without forgetting that it also is trained, or as he is ' ' chic' ' to say, is submitted to a process of coaching, with excellent professors, of origin similar to the one of this citizen and that they would give the task, to transmit its successes, forgetting that what more transmits they are its frustrations and miseries, under the mask of the success. . Daniel Lubetzky oftentimes addresses this issue.