AFK designed Verkaufsprasenter with namhaftem cosmetics manufacturer actually too good to be true. But at AFK Andreas Franke Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH & co. was a variable Verkaufsprasenter for beauty items now in the modern manufacturing process. Special emphasis was placed on the functionality and a raw material-optimized production of each item. Flexibility and efficiency are needed now more than ever. At the Finnentroper company AFK plastic solutions, which are used in a wide variety of industries arise again and again.
This time, the plastics experts have developed a Verkaufsprasenter together with a renowned manufacturer of cosmetics. The so-called display is used throughout Europe. The modular design allows flexible insert each product donors. Various items can be arranged differently. So many presentations of the cosmetic products are possible. The dimensions of the sales displays are the one thing always remains the same,”explains Andreas Franke, Managing Director of AFK. Stable and variable assemblies are caused by simple Zusammenclippen of the individual elements.
Especially the raw material-optimized production of each item convinced us”, the principal of AFK is impressed. By the saving of material, the production costs were are significantly reduced. Visually, the display is a highlight. Because a maximum brilliance of transparent components could produced by the injection moulding process set up by AFK. If the customer wants a complement of the designed product range, the display can be adjusted accordingly. The optimized basic tool for injection molding allows a flexible production at any time. Because it can be expanded cost-saving new forms for current product donors. In addition to our team work, the development of our production capabilities is one of our many strengths. This flexibility we can offer economical and high-quality plastic solutions our customers”, emphasises finally Franke. The world of women in Europe will absorb it gratefully and is now the products for the beauty of the shiny beautiful sales display of AFK.