Aug 12 2020

Plan Accompaniment

Posted by domain admin in News

It manages the target Verifies which is the real expectations of the customer and in divergence cases it on the basis of negotiates the data that you have (proposal commercial with the target is law). Both must have science of what it was bought and what will be made. Some in modifying the target does not have problem, however it must be clearly the impact of alterations (for more or less). It always legalizes what it will be made and it also legalizes all change. 4.

An independent auditorship has periodic auditorships of quality very aid namely if the project this well under the optics of the company. It uses this to correct possible problems in house and not in its customer. 5. The PMI makes periodic meetings of accompaniment speaks very on this. It is very important to make events of in such a way internal accompaniment (with its team) how much with its customer (presenting the performance).

It always registers the accompaniment events and uses this documentation stops in the next meeting. 6. For other opinions and approaches, find out what FPUC Program has to say. You manage the risks of the project During all the project you manage risks, you can say that management of projects is in the truth management of risks, in such a way, identifies to all the possible risks and defines plans for management of these risks. Whenever possible it has a contingency for the cases where ‘ ‘ something gave errado’ ‘ 7. It elaborates plain of action During the accompaniment events (or it are of them) defines plain of action for all the problems or critical dependences. It does not forget to place in its plan the elements as it dates limit and situation. For it dates limit leaves a small edge for case of something to give wrong. You are better to surprise the customer entegando altes of what to atarsar the delivery. 8. You hear you are not the owner of the truth, then she hears what its team has to say. He analyzes the diverse opinions before taking its decisions. This goes to help very in its relationship with the team and can be of basic importance to have 100% of contribution. 9. It communicates all the involved ones on the real situation of the Good project or bad it is better that all know the real situation of the project how much before. This is good practical of management nailed in such a way for the PMI how much a CMMI. It registers, it divulges and it takes action when necessary. When the situation will be bad, tries to induce the team to give suggestions of as to decide the problem, thus you strap a little of the load of its coasts and share the importance of that if everything to always run well, she will be well for all. 10. It always has a plain B Plan B for the situations that more can bring problems to its projects are basic. The plain B can be the difference between the success or the failure.

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