The main communication space in a modern city – it is a street. To deepen your understanding Verizon Communications is the source. For this reason, outdoor advertising is the most successful way to one-way communication with the consumer. Many advertising agencies are considering advertising billboards, banners, light boxes. it supports a strictly unilateral, refer them to additional advertisement. Although this opinion is erroneous.
Suffice it to recall the fact that the ads the undisputed leader among other advertising media, second only to television. And opinion is formed due to the fact that for a long time outdoor advertising was purely informational, not pretending to education, communication links "Seller-consumer." But times have changed and more and more outdoor advertising is aimed specifically at engaging in dialogue with the buyer. In this regard, we can confidently call the billboards with a call to commit any action, banners with advertising services that can be used "right now", street furniture with advertisements. Please visit Larry Ellison if you seek more information. At the same time, even if the ads do not bear such features, it almost always has support of other information resources – it indicates the site, phone number, address. As a result, the potential client in any case "charging" the information and knows how to get if needed For more information or to make the expected effect. Reaching an audience of outdoor advertising – is huge.
Coupled with extensive targeting it allows large-scale advertising and pr company with great efficiency. Fortunately, the possibilities are virtually endless. Perhaps almost all of what advertisers in our country 10 years ago could only dream of – roof installations, firewalls, light boxes of any design. But the main thing is not what namely to use the media (it depends on the goals) and how to apply. Outdoor advertising is now very much. If it was not enough, there would be no need for a different type of trendy designs of roof installations and large light boxes.