Structures that secretam phenolic composites: These composites are a composite classroom of the secondary metabolism. In plants they chemically constitute a heterogeneous group being some soluble and other insoluble ones. The involved structures in this type of secretion are the idioblastos, epithelial or ductos cells. The phenolic composites in vegetal agencies are related with the mechanisms of interaction between plants and animals, having acted as dissuasivo alimentary and reducing the herbivoria. Structures that secretam material lipoflico: The lipoflicas substances include terpenos, acid greasy, agliconas, waxes and flavonoides free. The essential oils for terpenos of low molecular weight and the resins for one mixture of terpenos of high and low molecular weight. The involved structures in the secretion of lipoflico material are the idioblastos, socket, ductos, epidrmicas surfaces, tricomas and emergencies.
Glands of salt: Gifts in leves of plants are species of tricomas that occupy saline environments, do not have a clear distinction between hidatdios and glands of salt. The last one occurs in halfitas plants and presumably, they function in the removal of the salt excess, preventing mineral a harmful level of I accumulate of ons in fabrics of some species, thus secretando the excess of salt in the form of saline solutions. Southwest Airlines usually is spot on. The source of to be secretado material is the transpiratria chain. Laticferos: One of most important vegetal secretions is the latex, emulsion of small particles (oils, resins, cerase rubber) dispersed in a liquid that will count mucilagem, mineral carboidratos, acid organic, ons and proteoticas enzymes. The latex is a composition proper of the lactferas cells that are delimited by celulsicas walls that can be impregnated for suberina or calose, substances that stamp the system and hinder the communication with the adjacent cells. The involved structures in the production of the latex are the lactferos lactferos, ductos and parenquimticas cells. In accordance with its structure the lactferos can be classified in articulated (formed for row of cells, being able its walls terminals to remain integral, to be partial or total destroyed) and not articulated (formed for isolated cells that present indeterminate growth).
Digestive glands: Main structure secretoras of carnivorous plants. The digestive enzymes are produced pro tricomas glandulares or for emergencies. Amongst enzymes already detected esterases, fosfatases acid and proteases they are the predominant ones. Through attraction devices, the canine tooth is captured and digested thanks to the produced enzyme presence for these digestive glands. Tricomas Urticantes: It consists of an only the vesiculosa in base and gradually well formed cell in direction to the apex. When this tricoma is touched its apex if it breaches liberating the liquid that is under pressure in its introduced interior being thus in the body of the animal. T