-Apart from the satisfaction of the client-. Nobody denies that to achieve lasting and profitable customers is necessary to establish and cultivate a lasting customer relationships based on trust and dialogue. However, few companies demonstrate it effectively (with facts, not just words) through a clear orientation to exceed customer expectations. Today talk of relationship marketing is, in addition to usual, almost mandatory in any media that discusses successful strategies for marketing products. Nobody denies that to achieve lasting and profitable customers is necessary to establish and cultivate a lasting customer relationships based on trust and dialogue. However, few companies demonstrate it effectively (with facts, not just words) through a clear orientation to exceed customer expectations. For the majority of ellas, seems as if the mere satisfaction of the customer outside the goal of your marketing strategy.
As if that was today, guarantee of something satisfying or loyalty? If we think a little about the services that we consume on a daily basis as customers, we realize that most of the companies that provide us services, have a maximum goal, in the best cases, get a rate high in customer satisfaction rate. For the majority of companies with which we deal, their highest aspiration is providing us the service we hope; If there are no complaints, it is that everything is fine. The problem comes if another brand that exceeds the usual satisfaction level and attracts customers, then begins the war of prices, of extraordinary advantages listed and that company begins to question whether their clients are really or not loyal. Although it is patently obvious, the mere fact that a brand will give us a product or service, is not any guarantee of commitment of loyalty on our part. If our relationship with the brand is based solely in commercial dealings, as soon as appears another that improves us bid will be, at the very least, tempted of test to compare.