Why today, many people who wanted to build on his site spas, saunas select construction from logs? Well firstly, it is connected with the properties of construction material. If you build a stone bath, for example, bricks, blocks, some details such bath afterwards will cause additional difficulties. Firstly, to protopit a bath. Will need a lot of firewood, as stone – the material cold. Secondly, when bath cools, resulting in condensation on the walls will form streaks. Thirdly, the "rock" bath will need finishing, and this additional investment, and in subsequent repair as well. Therefore, if you think about the baths, it is better to prefer baths made of logs.
So why round logs? This is due primarily to the construction characteristics of this magnificent building material. Round logs very strong and perfectly smooth. Thanks to clear and manufacturing technologies, all logs, entering the building, similar in construction parameters. And it is very important in the construction of the bath logs. The same timber is very easy fit, allowing you to build a bath without the use of manual labor, just collecting it as a constructor. In addition, during construction of the bath logs, no need to follow the alternation of logs from foundation to roof. Why not choose a bath from a bar? Again, issues of additional investments in the finishing baths: sanding, bleaching, removal of drops of resin. If the bath from a bar, you will be after these studies that further processing of wood protective agent. Plus the construction of baths of logs in that round logs looks beautiful and natural, therefore, additional finishing it simply is not needed. But it is also obvious cost savings.