Let us not deceive ourselves and others and to immediately determine here with nothing. You want it or not, but to create a product, you must have an experience that you will be able to pass through its products to customers and for which they willing to pay money. But before we start talking about the experience, I want to give you a saying of Confucius: "Do what you love to do, and your life will be no one working day. Do not forget about it. option 1. Likely that the experience you already have, although many of this just have no idea. Listen to yourself, learn how to do it anyway so it will be all my life listening to others.
Many at the word experience comes screeching halt. This does not mean that You must have a degree, some tall discharge or at least twenty years of experience. No and no again. Remember what you were doing what they were doing as a way out of situations that searched and studied in order to for example: – Improve their health – to get rid of some ailment – Lose Weight – Make it a beautiful piece – Stop smoking – quit drinking in the end – to get high-paying job – Improve the functionality of any things – earn a tidy sum, and so on and so forth. This list can be endless. Do not stop "digging" in itself. Remember the important stages of his life. Freshen up in memory of those moments when you achieved success in something.