The life human being is made of stages of adaptations. Just been born a first one if adapta to the womb of the mother stop later if adapting to the environment where the parents live a restricted environment. A child already has access to an environment a little ampler; already the adolescent one starts to explore new environments leaving to the few the environment that the parents had instituted. The young already is a born explorer, it creates new environments, and the adult establishes its proper environment, the friends, the professional group, the religious, social group where she will go to live. Already the aged one, most of the time comes back to restrict its environment, creating its proper world, fellow creature to a child.
But the human being in general needs to be suitable to the environment where it lives, it needs to have an environment that can provide to it, in all the generations, a healthful life. The Index of Development Human being, (IDH) is based on the concept of human development. This index has as objective to offer a counterpoint to the Gross domestic product, (the GIP), that it only considers economic of the development, already the IDH considers, beyond the economic dimension, the social, cultural characteristics and politics that influence in the quality of the life human being. The IDH also considers the longevity and the education. In the case of the longevity the life expectancy to the rising is considered; the education is evaluated through the index of illiteracy and tax of school registration in all the levels of education. The index of Human Development if became world-wide reference and is used by the federal government and can be consulted in Atlases of Human Development of Brazil. In 2010 studies had been initiated to argue the inclusion of new factors for the calculation of the IDH, that completed twenty, (20), years, between these factors it is the internal inaquality of the countries; considering the disparidades and inaqualities that characterize the development.