May 14 2016

Great Federal University

Posted by domain admin in News

The reflection suggested for these questions it is initiated from the consideration of the organizacionais values. 3. METHODOLOGY the research was based on the collection of data and readings of texts, through the method qualitative, for the gauging of training necessities being based on Golden the organizacional analysis of the Federal University of Great through data and the information gotten through the Coordenadoria de Gesto de Pessoas. An analysis of the organization regarding the projects was carried through gifts and futures through the plan of institucional development of UFGD- PDI 2008-2012. The focus was directed to the technician-administrative ones in education of the Great Federal University of the Golden ones and the collection of data was carried through during the month of November of 2010. 4. STUDIED INSTITUTION the UFGD was created by law 11,153, of 29 of July of 2005, in function of the federal program of expansion of public superior education in Brazil, and was resulted of the dismemberment of the Campus of Golden and the Experimental Nucleus of Agrria/UFMS Sciences in a new federal university of superior education.

In the creation of the Great Federal University of the Golden ones It counted on 66 technician-administrative ones, distributed in 5 level of classification, B, C, D, and that it means a set of positions of the same hierarchy, classified from the requirement of escolaridade, specific level of responsibility, knowledge, abilities, specialized formation, experiences, risk and physical effort for the performance of its attributions. When considering the increases foreseen in the Plan of Institucional Development, the picture of servers of the UFGD, will reach a great number extremely, with priorities in the positions of bigger titulao, and with a great variety very of qualifications, demanding of the institution the preparation of servers it to be developed work. 5. RESULTS AND QUARRELS the programs of T& D must be lined up not only the institucional politics, but also with the governmental lines of direction, therefore little an isolated institution makes ahead of the politics of the country.

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