It is required to diagnose through a SWOT in where are the weaknesses, strengths, threats, opportunities of the current industrial engineer and give way to the new engineer. Is can not shirk the responsibility in the profile of the new engineer providing you with tools, knowledge that enable properly manage their human interrelations, factor that has been very neglected by many schools of industrial engineering in the country, provide more insight into modern management topics, a new vision about inventory control, logistics distribution, methods engineering who knows how to interpret the new requirements for the quality control has developed; as well as also the need for extending statistical methods that allow to define production control suitable to the indexes that are defined, i.e. everything that promotes proper management of production process, quality assurance. Should the industrial engineer sustain their actions, exercise with a good training, training and development leadership to follow, ensuring integration of equipment, proper handling of human and technical resources based on productivity, strategic planning of operations, production management, management of operating costs and everything that promotes the achievement of results relating to production that is able to satisfy the demand and requirements requesting the consumers. If you would like to know more then you should visit Gary Kelly. What said Domingo Gonzalez, that a good engineer must have knowledge well finidos of is definitely valid: planning strategic organization Adaptive; Participatory management; Prospective control; Strategic information systems; All these are basic in their exercise and that are also based on: approaches to system-from an overview to identify ideals, mission, objectives, strategies, policies, plans and specific activities that will take the company to the level of world class manufacturing. Optimization of resources-starting an adaptive approach and waste disposal, establish the optimal efficiency as the Foundation to allocate and use resources continuously looking for the satisfaction of the client in an intelligent way. Work in team-starting from the fact that the only approach that has proved effective is one in which everyone participates with its best effort, skill and knowledge, so everyone be successful, not only within the company, but it should include to customers and suppliers. .