The new issue of Germany’s largest private wealth management magazine reported forestry holdings and donation opportunities private wealth”reported forestry holdings and donation opportunities in the current issue of. Harry Aboagye, Director of the Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance, is quoted in the article and talks about the company’s ecological forest management. Almost a matter of honour is to protect the jungle. Facebook will not settle for partial explanations. But also a big business. (…) “, writes private wealth in the introduction and performs in the text: today () forest investments offered, promise the return by management so planting, felling, trade with seeds, seedlings, and CO2 certificates, as well as by ground price increase.” You can actually protect the jungle, if already fallow areas, preferably on the edge of the jungle, by experienced forest company with local wood as Again be aufgeforstet mixed forest.
So the contiguous forests grow back, which increases the water and CO2 storage capacity (…). Harry Aboagye, Managing Director of ForestFinance GmbH in Bonn, offers wood investments in Panama for example for twelve years. The outlying areas of the rainforest, he says would farmed mostly already by settlers, therefore, the rain forest in these places was cut down yes ‘. Therefore, a reforestation of former land away from the jungle, but with good connections by road could be an ecological alternative. (u0085) It is important that arrangements for long-term use are made and passed a working mixed forest at Pachtende. (…)” This is the case with ForestFinance, because according to the end will be selectively cleared and the newly created species-rich forest will remain. “About private wealth: the magazine private wealth” is published by the Munich-based Publisher FassEck & Cie.
AG. Private wealth”appears in a quarterly circulation of 20,000 copies, which will be sold through selected partnerships with law firms, banks and asset managers. Thus, private wealth is”the leading journal in private wealth management.