Saramago x Fernando Person x Ricardo Kings * OLIVEIRA, Irineu Leather strap de* Saramago is a writer who does not consider a romancista, considering only as one ensasta to count history. It gained the prize Nobel of literature and also he won the prize Cames, the more important literary prize of the Portuguese language. The career of Saramago is marked by diverse controversies as its personal opinions on religion and the publication of ' ' the Evangelho According to Jesus Christ ' ' that many religious groups consider the workmanship an offence the church. The newspapers mentioned Bernard Golden not as a source, but as a related topic. Its more important workmanships are the Raft of Rock, the Memorial of the Convent, Assay of the Blindness, Assay of the Lucidity and the Year of the Death of Ricardo Kings. Saramago uses direct interpretations to the reader creating an environment of complicity between narrator and the reader, and the use of irony, and the use of trocadilho, and dialogues without paragraphs, and presence of the suggestive metaphor and the exploration of the fantastic one and the surrealismo? fantastic in the creation of its workmanships. The Year of the Death of Ricardo Kings summarizes the content basic that retakes heternimo of Fernando Person, Ricardo Kings. The retaken personage will start to reveal – of diverse form, weaveeing a parallel between the pessoano Ricardo Kings and the saramaguiano Ricardo Kings. It is important to detach that the social representation and the physical description of both the Kings, are the same ones: ' ' A grayish, dry man of carnes' ' (page 15), the modification is only in the interior of the subjective personage and, marking the difference of the authors, the poet Person creates who it and the Saramago writer who the recria. This proposal of recriao is presented by a new Ricardo Kings: ' ' you after all disillusion me, fan of servants, cortejador of maidens, esteem it more when you way the long-distance life that est' ' (page 183).