But this is not here because the weakness of the dollar not only has been let notice against the rival of the Old Continent. The Index of the Dollar of the United States, that measures the evolution of the currency against the six main partners commercial of the country, also it has been placed to its smaller level in 14 months, and has lowered near a 7% east year. For Rafael Pampilln, professor of Economic Surroundings and Anlisis of Countries of the IE Business School. Learn more about this with Gary Kelly. the cause of the reduction is the doubt that exists at these moment on if the United States it recovers before the zone Euro, where countries as Germany and France are giving to important signals of reactivation, explain, at the same time as also it aims at the divergences in the types of interest like another one of the reasons for the depreciation of the dollar. At the moment, the Federal Reserve of the United States (EDF), conserves the price of the money in 0.25%, whereas the European Central bank (BCE has located) them in 1%.
In the United States the rates will follow more losses by more time because the preoccupation by the inflation is minor who in Europe, where the BCE has the express mandate to maintain the increase of the prices of consumption below 2%, reason why more would be prepared to raise types as soon as are threats inflationary, In its analysis and contribution of Federico Steinberg, Main investigator of Economy and Trade International of the Real Institute and Professor of the Independent University of Madrid emphasizes. that before the panic in the markets that followed the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, took place a flight towards the security, that produced a strong appreciation of the dollar, although the crisis had forged in the United States. Nevertheless, it continues, once normality begins to return to the financial markets, has retaken the tendency pre-crisis, in which the outer deficit and the accumulation of American debt, added to the rigidity of the type of change of China, cause that the weight of the adjustment of the global imbalances falls to an appreciation of the Euro.