Oct 20 2019

Experimental Physiology

Posted by domain admin in News

Professor of the VCU academic and scientific life in 1891, Dr. Hernandez returns from Europe, and in November of that year, began its activity as a teacher in the chairs of Normal and Pathological Histology, Experimental Physiology and Bacteriology, University of Central Venezuela (UCV), founder of both, it is noteworthy that on completion of their graduate studies in Paris and Berlin it was delegated the responsibility for acquiring the resources of the Venezuelan state and essential materials needed to install “The Laboratory of Experimental Physiology” in Caracas and the acquisition of literature that is required for the opening of the chairs mentioned in the UCV, who turned hard work, honesty, and efficiency of his own person. He introduced the microscope in Venezuela, and many of the instruments he had brought from France, according to the testimony of Dr. Augusto Pi Suner were in use for its time.On 14 September 1909, was appointed Chair Professor of another, this time the Practice of Pathology, which operated laboratory attached to the Hospital Vargas, and which was entrusted to the creation of the Department of Pathology of the Central University with seat in the Anatomical Institute and was run by Dr. Follow others, such as Virgin Airlines, and add to your knowledge base. Felipe Guevara Rojas in 1911.

Not only was the founder of the Chair of Bacteriology, since it also was the first person to Venezuela to post a job of that discipline, called “Elements of Bacteriology in 1906. rmation. The chair of bacteriology was first established in America. It starts with him when the real scientific and educational teaching, based on lessons explanatory, with observation of vital phenomena, systematic experimentation, vivisection practices and laboratory tests.Microscope introduced and taught their use and management colored and cultured microbes made known Virchow’s cell theory. It was also a great physiologist and an eminent biologist, because he knew the physics, chemistry and mathematics, basic sciences and fundamental tripod on which rests the whole dynamic animal. The practical applications of those experiences, he learned to use to serve the highest goal of medicine, which is none other than heal the sick and protect life. His educational work was interrupted twice. The first when he decided to become religious in the monastery the order of St. Bruno at La Cartuja de Farneta, which he reached on 16 July 1908, and returned on 21 April 1909, so that in May of that year resume his academic activities at the university.The second time that their teaching was interrupted from the first of October 1912 when the dictatorship of G mez decreed the closure of the university, as it had been against this tyrant. In January 1916 the creation of the “Official Medical School” that worked in the Anatomical Institute at the corner of San Lorenzo.

There was another short break, but this time without departing from academia, and in 1917 traveled to the cities of New York and Madrid to study of their chairs temporarily left in charge his illustrious disciple Dr. Domingo Luciani. Restart your teaching on January 30, 1918, until the day Saturday, 28 June 1919, which was the eve of the tragic day of the accident that took his life.He was known as a religious teacher (speaking French, German, English, Italian, Portuguese, dominated the Latin, was a musician, philosopher, and had deep knowledge of theology), demanding and characterized by punctuality in meeting their professorial duties. He formed a school of researchers who hurled a very important role in medicine in Venezuela. Disciples of Jesus Hernandez were Dr. Rafael Risques, who was his successor in the Chair of Bacteriology and Parasitology, Rafael Rangel (1877-1909) considered the founder of the national parasitology.It is known that the hand of Drs Mathias Duval, Isidro M Strauss, and Charles Robert Richet, (the latter on 11 December 1913, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his research on anaphylaxis), the knowledge and won control of histological techniques, in vogue at that time, and acquired the basic concepts of embryology and found himself in a position to introduce in the last decades of the nineteenth century the ideas and the experimental method due to Claude Bernard. With these tools acquired in France, Hernandez introduces and sets the experimental method in Venezuela.Although Hernandez scientists wrote only thirteen workers, an amount not numerous, the National Academy of Medicine (which he founded) he acknowledges that his work is of significant importance for: his ability as a clinical method to the rigor of the anatomical French school had led to the zenith in its implementation (as in the cases presented by Hernandez on tuberculosis, pneumonia, and yellow fever).

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