It seems at first glance that this co-exist simultaneously the presidential and parliamentarian, however in reality, are two systems that are difficult to merge by their differences, therefore, be said that it can operate in some cases according to the mechanics of a multi-party system and in other cases according to the mechanics of the parliamentarian system, or can also produce a division of powers in the Executive in a manner such that the President and the Prime Minister enjoy broad powers in specific areas. Reportedly, in general, countries that have adopted the semi-presidential system, are those in which there were threats to the stable operation of parliamentary institutions. Also seem that this system has become the most appropriate to those democracies that are characterized by politically fragmented and multi-party systems. 4 Features.-the President is elected by universal suffrage. The Executive power is divided into President or Head of State, elected in a direct way, and a Prime Minister or head of Government, appointed by the Parliament. The President or head of State, shares executive power with a Prime Minister, establishing a dual structure of authority with the following defining criteria: a) the Chairman is independent of Parliament, but is not allowed to govern only because their will should be channeled and processed through its Government and b) the Prime Minister and his cabinet are independent of the President, but they depend directly on the Parliament, for this reason they are subject to a vote of censure and to vote of confidence, so they require for their stay the support of the parliamentary majority. The dual authority of the semi-presidentialism structure allows different balances of power, as well as variable power predominios within the Executive, under the strict condition that the autonomy of each component of the Executive Unit potential subsists. The President of the Republic nominates the Cabinet and Parliament must approve it or reject within a specified period.