We must not forget what is said, that the Administration's regulatory approach, full of value judgments and inductive in nature, adopts the perspective of prescribing what organizations and individuals should do or what types of management systems should be desirable for society, such as Venezuela facing torn between turbulence, risk, uncertainty. Precisely, this perspective looks at what should be and what organizations and individuals should do. This prescriptive approach suggests that managers can do. Many are the latest trends that have emerged administrative where each expressed through experimentation, implementation advantages from it we can draw the appropriate use of emotional intelligence and what it represents in leadership, productivity, team , personal and professional growth. Reengineering and its impact in favor of productive processes, coaching, especially the anthology and its contribution towards motivational leadership, charismatic, participative in terms of knowing how to handle adequately the potential of each person.
A fad that has reached important and significant impact as said Mario Munoz is provided by Peter Senge, author of "The Fifth Discipline", where the work is based in systems thinking. So what is a learning organization? You can understand how that organization can create, acquire and transfer knowledge and to modify their behavior in response to new knowledge and perceptions. The book presents a series of unconnected ideas on change, learning and communication, drawn from disparate sources such as system dynamics (Jay Forrester), quantum physics (David Bohm), organizational behavior (Argyris Critoph ) and music (Robert Fritz). A practical limitation of learning organizations has been describe as a great concept that fits all and whose tentacles reach everything from customer service, execution of strategy and change management. (Senge, 1994:21) summarizes: "It is vital that the five disciplines develop as a whole. This is a challenge because it is much more difficult to integrate new tools to apply separately.
But benefits are immense. That is why systems thinking is the fifth discipline, fusing them into a coherent body of theory and practice, which prevents them from being separate resources or fashion. " The selection of the word discipline, reflected in the title was essentially a rhetorical tool that served, as a structure, to refine the author's work. Senge later acknowledged that he never fully understand the basic premise of the book. Senge in his work is in keeping with the strategic phrase: "the ability to learn faster than competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage." The primary hypothesis of the systemic approach or "Fifth Discipline" is the recovery of simplicity. The five disciplines can be grouped as follows: the "personal mastery" and "mental models" refer to individual attitudes collaterally have a great influence on the organization. The "personal mastery" means self-knowledge, maturity, balance and human development. The "mental model" refers to traditional values, resistance to change and paradigm paralysis Munoz reminds us that in these modes, you can not ignore Lambert (2001:15), which states: "The latest research indicates that Downsizing through the loss of experienced managers and workers, leading to a "corporate amnesia" or, worse, a "corporate Alzheimer's." Otherwise known as the downsizing rightsizing. A fashionable pod Industrial Engineer-manager, lawyer. EGADE (UC) (ITESM) Graduate degrees in Business Administration mentioned markets, human resources, quality and productivity, education Ph.D. Professor of Education Graduate Area Faces UC. Consultant, business consultant, Deproimca Exatec