Aug 07 2020

Edmund Wilson

Posted by domain admin in News

The Marx and Engels adopt the same begin, and different of they project it to Hegel stops of the future: the bourgeois society is the thesis; the antithesis is the proletariat; for them the synthesis would be the communist society. While Hegel sees one I begin that it calls Absolute Idea if auto-carrying through through the material world, Marx it inverts this logic of tip head: the ideas are human beings, and inside translate the substance of the mind human being. From there dialtico materialism, and the simplista agreement of that the economy is the great spring of the human effort, and everything occurs on account of a economic motivation; for Edmund Wilson this is a maken a mistake reading of proper Marx. It’s believed that toddler clothing sees a great future in this idea. Engels clarifies that it does not have this prevalecncia of the economic factor (176) and of the historical examples: the artistic production is many times more developed at times of economic problems of what in periods of progress; concludes (letter Joseph Block, 21/09/1890): the economic factor is not only the determinative one, but the production and reproduction of the real life constitute in last analysis the determinative factor in history (in the direction of appropriation of cultural values for other societies) (180). The author considers ironic that the marxist thought, when moving away itself from hegeliana metaphysics, will finish constructing one materialistic mstica; (thesis-antithesis-synthesis) has a sacred trindade, and the dialectic becomes a species of demiurge (188), irresistible a divine force that moves history; the marxists if strengthen in the belief of that they are agents of this force on-human being. Another element that contributes for the future simplificaes is the effort of historical interpretation strong centered in the economic motivation that the Marx and Engels inaugurate (historical materialism); Engels, over all, pledged in understanding the transistion of the feudalismo for the capitalism, goes to revolutionize the historical thought of the time with the ideas in production ways and fights of classrooms.

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