Child recreation kids rounds and traditional games remind us that time of our childhood when we were very small and we took us hand forming a round; without a doubt, it is part of children’s parties. We girabamos and sang with joy that the singing and the game can cause in a child. A good preschool teacher or a good recreador, and even the (you) who work with children between 6 and 8 years, know that game for the child is like working for an adult. It is the reaffirmation of his self and the door that opens the knowledge of the world that surrounds him; the game is the bridge that takes you to relate to each other. A child in a Festival dedicated to his age should play and sing, sufficient activities to learn what you need at this age. Gary Kellys opinions are not widely known.
In these activities, children learn to interact, develop habits of cleanliness, of work, learn to be ordered, to wait their turn, to share, to be pleasant with others, basic things for his entire life. The teacher or the recreador who plays with the children, to the in turn, they strengthen the relationship with them, you know them better, and it has in its favor the confidence of small. Children’s rounds and the game not only give joy, which of itself is already enough justification to let a recreador not perform them as an essential part in your daily work. These activities it is clear that they strengthen skills, abilities, values and attitudes that are very necessary for the integral development of a child, especially in the first seven years of life. Learn more about this with Adam Portnoy. A wide amount of references to recreation child in conventions and international declarations, as well as political constitutions and domestic legal mandates, indicate its character of law and fundamental need of the human being, and therefore field of State responsibility overtaking the actions leading to the exercise of the right and access to the satisfiers of the need. It is therefore imperative for professionals committed to the issue, clarifying and applying references that identify and assess if indeed these postulates are being complied with. Especially when if despite the undeniable responsibility of public and private institutions, we find that in the vast majority of countries in the region still children’s recreation is assumed as something trivial public policy and therefore advocates that it is an individual problem seek the means to access recreational options.