With car insurance, you should look closely. Up to 30 November, consumers have to terminate the possibility their car insurance and to switch to a cheaper provider. But unfortunately this is not as easy as you always think. Many car insurance, the price is good but the performance isn’t there. The cheap car insurance offer a less protection. Here an overview on all care should be taken when changing the insurance: damage – demotion: you caused him, lose the discount for damage-free insurance period at a loss. It is therefore a future increase of the insurance.
Each of the insurers themselves can set the return levels. Workshop choice: A very cheap car insurance at the hull you have very often eineWerkstattbindung. In other words: the car of only the car insurer selected workshop must be repaired in case of damage. Automotive associations have not optimal but for cheap car repair in the interests of the car insurer. New compensation: After purchasing a New car he loses 20% of the share of mostly ca. EinemTotalschaden or theft, it’s annoying for the owner, when he again sees only a certain percentage of cars. Some insurers pay the new car price only in the first six months, some car insurance but after 12 or 18 months.
Wildlife damage: The insurance covers only the damage caused by the collision with wild. When the animals such as deer and wild boars. Some car insurance offered an extension for such cases, pays then also in other animals that cause harm. Gross negligence: some car insurance provide also full protection in the hull for damage, caused by gross negligence. Due to the rate paid sometimes, or not, for example when driving over a red light. Read thoroughly the insurance before you sign.