May 25 2019

Candle Making

Posted by domain admin in News

In order for the candles lit up all at once, their connect the drive follows follows: put a string of bedding Stopini on candles and tie it with thread, threaded into the candle, then put it on the next candle and also tied wearing a preliminary to a drive sleeve Stopini the same length as the distance of one candle from another, so Stopini conducted on all candles and all of its pass through the gaps in the transmission tube (Fig. 91). The mouth of the candles, along with associated Stopini, paste a piece of paper, smeared paste, so that neither the smallest part Stopini not stay open. Candle not need to eat too much fat Stopini as some candles can be brought down by force Stopini fire. If there would have to Stopini let the side branches, they could not be started from a candle, and between two candles. Where does one end Stopini and another begins, I must impose on one another and tie with thread. With vertical position of the scenery all the candles have to stand horizontally. Most shield should be tilted slightly forward, to thief, drop down from the top of candles, or falling into the lower and did not have them lit from the sides. If the weather is wet, the candle is better paste with resin than with glue, because the latter is softened by moisture. For remote from the audience decorations should be used candles with vivid compositions, it is better to close soft, but thick, colorful compositions.

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