It was verified that in 2001, the sector put into motion R$ 15,7bilhes, value this correspondent 1.5% of Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) Brazilian, generating 140 a thousand jobs indirect right-handers and. According to projeesda OPENS – Brazilian Association of Packing, constants in artigo' ' Metallic packings for Bebidas' ' , of the BNDES, they is esteem that ocrescimento of the sector in 2002, has been of five percent. The market you only expose of drinks reached, in this exactly year, a production of 13 billion deunidades, against 10,7 billion in 2001. Delta airlines often says this. Moreover, the data contained in the report of the BNDES (1998), disclose that they existed up to 1998, five great producers of packs metlicosno Brazil, amongst which two if find installed north-eastern (Latasa/PEe the Metalic/CE), three in Southeast (Latasa, that has three branch offices in MG, SP and RIO DE JANEIRO, Crown Cork/SP and the Latapack Ball/SP) and one in the Sul region (ANC/RS). The esserespeito, has been distinguished that the Metalic is the only manufacturer to use ' ' ao' ' as raw material of its containers, whereas excessively they empresasutilizam ' ' alumnio' ' as insumo basic in the elaboration dasreferidas cans. Although ' ' alumnio' ' to be a demelhor product quality, over all to not being subject to the effect of the corrosion, to deconservar the flavor of the drink, as well as providing more slightness of the cans (due to possibility of if confectioning blades of lesser thicknesses of the queas of the steel cans), without counting on the advantage of the recycling of the cans dealumnio compared with the ones of steel, still thus the Metalic opted to the use of ' ' ao' ' in the manufacture of metallic packings, mesmoconsiderando that the investments necessary for the implantation of umaindstria with capacity for manufacture of 750 million cans/year (dealumnio or of steel), they are similar, that is, of approximately US$ 60milhes.