If you have not even chosen a marketing network suitable for you’re thinking about it, or you’ve decided to look for a better then I have some points that you should take into account attentive to these data: 1. industry-one of the first points and the most important perhaps due to how much the industry that you choose must be an industry showing a sustained and profitable growth that is attractive to people because it is here where you will begin your Marketing business at Red.Seguro you will find with various industries health and welfare, telecommunications, tourism, beauty, etc. All very good but will have to choose which goes with you, with your personality and your immediate needs for the future, to make you easier to recommend it and then duplicate it to your associates. 2. Company-now that you chose the industry or any caught you attention and since by its own expansion you know that it is everywhere, comes the second point the company and here you know you must have all the regulations required by each country all in rule advise you with the same representative. Well let’s move on; one of the key rules that are used is that it must have more than five years of operation as they are in these early years that will strengthen and pass the test time fence some with 2 or 3 years do not exceed or are disguised pyramids and generally go bankrupt in this period of time. 3.-Product-arrived at one of the if not the most important because it is here where will have to assess whether the offered product is Marketeable and attractive for persons so if you think that to join a network marketing you become you a seller because you are wrong, because it is a distribution system based on something we do long overdue recommendation from person to personRemember that we are consultants and suggest a solution, take this example: seller knocking at your door and sells you hose the consultant sees holes in your hose and you said I have the solution for your problem, simple and straightforward so work the Networkers. .