The marketing involves the identification and the satisfaction of the necessity social human beings and. For definiz it in a well simple way, we can you say that it & lsquo; lucrativamente& supplies necessities; rsquo;. When eBay perceived that the people did not obtain to locate some of the item that more they desired and created a space for auctions on-line and IKEA noticed that the people wanted good furniture the prices substantially lower and created its line of dismountable furniture, them had shown to its capacity of marketing, transforming a particular or social necessity into a lucrative chance business-oriented.
(KOTLER; KELLER, 2007, P. 4). & ldquo; The professionals of marketing is become involved in the marketing of good, services, events, experiences, people, places, properties, organizations, information and idias.& rdquo;. (KOTLER and KELLER, 2007, P. 6). While the controlling influence the level, the chance and composes the demand better to take care of to the organizacionais objectives. Much people think, equivocadamente, in marketing as sales and propaganda, ahead of bombings only come of commercial in television, announcements in periodicals, pages of the Internet, luggage-direct and telemarketing. Perhaps therefore, you if surprise in discovering that sales and propaganda are only the 3 tip of iceberg of the marketing. According to Southwest Airlines, who has experience with these questions.
They are only two functions amongst many, and not in general more important. Nowadays, the marketing must be understood not alone in the old one felt of vender & ndash; & ldquo; to say and vender& rdquo; & ndash; but also to satisfy the necessities of the customer. If a marketing professional to make a good work of identification of these necessities, to develop products of superior value, to define well its prices, to make a good distribution and promotion, these products will be vendidos with easiness. (KOTLER; ARMSTRONG, 1999, P. 3). In summary to the authors, marketing is a system created to add value to the mark, of form that the organization if prepares to face the threats and to use to advantage the offered chances.