Nov 13 2014

Cistercian Abbey Monastic

Posted by domain admin in News

Cistercian Abbey monastic life of monks living within the closure. His spirituality was ordered by the rule: silence, discipline, obedience to the abbot, rigorous schedule distributed to many prayers in common, religious readings and manual labor. In addition, Abbey lived a second community of converts. Spiritual surrender lived in daily work in the field, forges and mills, could not read and did not maintain any contact with the community of monks. The latter was achieved by designing two areas in the monastery watertight and isolated from each other. The area of the converts had the same construction quality as that of the monks. The uniformity of the order set out in the Exordium of Citeaux and Summary of the Charter of Charity: To enter the abbeys always remains an indissoluble unity, establish, first, that the rule of St. Benedict is understood by all of the Similarly, without deviating from it one iota.Secondly, everyone has the same books, at least as regards the Divine Office, the same clothes, the same foods and finally the same uses and the same customs. All abbeys also have a similar architecture. First, constructive solutions were sought for each unit that would promote the spirit of the rule, which is called the establishment of the program type, or in short plane type, where Bernard of Clairvaux had a decisive influence. Second, once set the map type is imposed on new construction. The flat rate was applied in the construction of all new monasteries.Thus the church was oriented in the east-west direction with the head to the east, the cloister adjoining the church, the east wing of the cloister was dedicated to units of the monks with the chapter house on the ground floor and bedroom the first floor with two staircases, one going down into the church and the other to the cloister, in the wing of the cloister opposite the church provided for the refectory and the kitchen in the west wing (usually with independent access from the cloister ), a two-story building was used for the converts and stores with independent access to the rear of the church. Each abbot father passed its subsidiaries on architectural plan that had previously applied in the construction of its own abbey and his whole experience. In addition, all gathered in Cistercian abbots at the General Chapter, once a year, and there is evidence that there was much talk of building new works.Finally, the actual construction of the new monastery, living day to day work, the abbot had commissioned a monk, called cellarer, whose responsibility was to control the works and also carried the abbey’s finances under the supervision of the abbot. The monk cellarer controlled masons (united in a union corporation which integrated the masons and piece-rate), blacksmiths and carpenters (andamioss and formwork for a lot of wood was needed). It is a question still debated whether the architects were hired them monks or craftsmen. Since the secret guild of construction at this time, the high qualifications required and the huge construction activity that unfolded in a short time, it seems reasonable that craftsmen used specifically for the construction contract. In the Middle Ages used as a very complex organization, various forms of wages and prices, various types of contracts, and took a rigorous accounting of all expenditures.Amazing how, when visiting the abbeys, always find the same distribution.

Nov 12 2014


Posted by domain admin in News

The act to evaluate the reading of the pupils implies in accompaniment and permanent reorientation of learning that will be carried through through the diagnosis of difficulties and programming of the activities. Biweekly the professors will make reports of the results gotten with the development of the activities and interests of the pupils in carrying through them. Through the diagnosis, the professors will fill picture with the main difficulties detected in classroom and reinforcement for aiming of the actions of the evaluations of the pupils. WAITED RESULTS? To cure the difficulties of learning of the pupils, being surpassed deficiencies of reading, writing and logical reasoning. To fortify the accompaniment of the parents stops with its children. To recoup autoestima of the involved pupils. To raise the IDEB of the school. FINAL CONSIDERAES the exercise of the application of the project in average education confer favorable conditions the optimum teaching performance and the construction of the knowledge.

Consequentemente the process teach-learning is acquired integrant part of the practical one during all period, pointing out the importance of the approach of the pupil to the reality in which it will go to act, being a creative process of inquiry, intention and interpretation of the reality. For understanding that the reading is really important for a good pertaining to school development and not only a fulfilling of the idle time it considered that the reading in a pertaining to school unit, has a basic paper for the full development of the proposal pedagogical of the school, as well as helping to develop in the pupil all its potentialities. We believe that only we will advance with the awareness and the reflection of that to form critical citizen is the main goal of an educator who respects its pupil. She is necessary to incorporate the practical ones of acquisition of the writing of the contextualizao of the contents, therefore, is characterized in a continuous process that depends, mainly, of the vision that we have relation to the world, respecting a social context of the educator, in approaching to its universe. So sedento of discovery and so trimmed by foolishness human being. The work with project was a knowledge moment, reflection that if configured a great referencial of theoretical and practical interconnection, contributing for our professional formation.

Nov 12 2014

Medioevo Argentina

Posted by domain admin in News

That ignorant, because the record occurred in the postwar periods and they were finished when Europe left the crisis. Gentlemen, it is not necessary to fight to the field, but their pretense leaders must understand that we are in an Argentina different from which you dreamed, an Argentina for all, an Argentina that will only be made strong if of a good time it becomes industrialized and it stops living on an economy of the Medioevo. It really surprises me that rosista like Duhalde them of rating, but any thing seems good to try to return to the power. The others do not deserve commentaries because they do not add nor they remain to the policy. Lacri, a head of titular government of the worse well-known management, processed by serious crimes, investigated by others, of Larvez, a deputy that I postulate by means of the story " I have plan" and until now we do not know it and Ernesto Sanz, an amnesic one, that forgets the retentions to the pensioners done by the radicals does one decade less than and tries to be like the defender of the jubilatorios salaries, that next to others sat down in the official theater box. There will be them to the citizen to judge in the next elections. So far all try to cling to this ideal instrument to face bureaucracy, unique reason for fight of " resistencia" to that Volcati talks about. THE DEFENDER. Original author and source of the article.

Nov 08 2014


Posted by domain admin in News

The cut poultry keeping is one of the agro-industrial sectors that more if developed, in recent years, starting to constitute the main segment of the industry of meats. The growth of offers and the diffusion of the consumption had been fruits of the magnifying of the scale, of the incorporation of technological innovations in the productive chain, of the reduction of costs and prices, making with that Brazil more reached comparable levels to the developed nations in this sector. Expansion associated not only with the high degree of control of the biological process, but with one ' ' pacote' ' that it involves the control, for the industry, of the productive cycle of the birds and the improvement of the tax of vegetal protein conversion in animal protein, making possible an increase in the productivity, reduction of costs and consequence absolute and relative fall of the price of the meat of chicken in relation to other meats (CUT, CAMPANHOL 2006). The Brazilian poultry keeping reached productivity and quality comparable to the gotten ones for the developed countries more of the world, contributing, among others things, for the generation of exportation verge. In consequence, Brazil if firmed as according to world-wide exporting greater (VIEIRA; DAYS. 2004). The world-wide production of meats passed approximately of 90 million tons in 1978 for approximately 198 million tons in 2003, favours mainly to the performance presented for the production of chicken meat.

Between 1990 and 2003, the world-wide production of meats grew 34%, while the chicken meat continued presenting optimum performance with 61% of increase, followed of the meat suna with 29% (VIEIRA; DAYS. 2004). The activity showed a great growth in recent years. In the period in 1992 the 2001, the meat production increased 128% and the exportation grew 236%. This evolution if must for the intense pressure of election suffered for the races, which are observed until today.

Nov 08 2014

Tax Burden

Posted by domain admin in News

Flash survey of the Federal Association mid-sized economy Bonn/Berlin – at the middle-class to a considerable extent a reduction of taxes and duties would create new jobs. That resulted in a quick poll of the Association (BVMW) SMEs, more than 500 member companies. It’s time for a discharge of enterprises and citizens in our country “, so BVMW President Mario Ohoven. The BVMW entrepreneur according to survey, 89 percent of medium-sized companies see the tax burden on entrepreneurs and self-employed persons as too high, also the tax burden on their staff hold 83 percent too high. About 66 percent of companies would hire more staff with a reduction of corporate taxes, and every second medium-sized companies would hire additional workers three quarters of companies increase their investments when declining social security contributions, 40 percent would invest more in their own company. At least 86 percent of the surveyed entrepreneurs would be reduction of social security contributions Increase net salaries of the employees. Almost as many medium-sized companies (85 percent) feel the administrative burden on the social security system as too high. In this context, 66 percent of small – and medium-sized companies speak against the introduction of the health fund as at 1 January 2009. A reduction in tax and tax burden would be the best stimulus”, summarizes Mittelstand President Ohoven the BVMW entrepreneur survey results.

Nov 05 2014

San Francisco

Posted by domain admin in News

Of this form, the popular culture in itself, loads these characteristics, these concepts as it describes our beloved Ana of the Figureheads expressing its form to make art and its love for the art of the adobe, indispensable element in the formation of its repassed professional life of hereditary form and for the crucial fact that was to take care of its vital necessities as half of survival. Woman, who since girl knows the obstacles taxes for the life, was born in day 18 of February of 1923 in Filomena Saint district of Ouricuri with the name of Ana Leopoldina Dos Santos, black, gotten passionate for the adobe, made a trajectory of sufficiently hard and winning life. Lode for the edges of the river San Francisco to make dwelling and to search substance abundant cousin to make its works. Owner Ana was known as Ana of the Figureheads, the Owner of the Adobe. The figureheads were the symbol biggest of its work, because the petrolinenses artists made these sculptures with wood, but of the adobe she did not have herself. With this idea to mold adobe figureheads, its work as artes took off. The term figurehead defines as shady or loaded face, expensive ugly, with aspect of bad mood.

They presented with varied forms as antropomorfas (human, normal or devilishly disformes faces). Zoomorfas exploring heads of animals deformed with the objective to produce astonishment and fear, zooantropomorfas, combination of human and animal semblantes always directed for horrorizao of the part, in short, the figureheads were made to decorate ships in sea and to frighten the bad espritos in the boats in rivers. Today they constitute incorporated souvenirs to the past and the folklore. Ana of the Figureheads thus known by the petrolinenses, received the heading from Petrolinense Citizen for the relevance of its cultural work and artistic, come through its dream to live in this city, she contributed of spectacular form for enlargement of the art of the clay took that it to be a figure known in all federal territory for its proper characteristic to work.